Free Maps of Spain

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Towns in Spain

Table of towns in Spain

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Ugíjar village226336.963036-3.052703 Map 
Ullastrell village190441.5265771.956047 Map 
Ulldecona town647340.5967560.447538 Map 
Umbrete villageAndalucíaSevilla800937.368664-6.157361 Map 
Urda village307339.410278-3.716793 Map 
Urduña / Orduña villageEuskal Herria / PaísBizkaia / Vizcaya414642.994926-3.009915 Map 
Urnieta village551843.246868-1.991704 Map 
Urretxu village655043.092846-2.314150 Map 
Usagre village195238.357857-6.165315 Map 
Usurbil villageEuskadiGipuzkoa525743.270306-2.050254 Map 
Utebo town1771041.714085-0.994359 Map 
Utiel town1107739.568085-1.205178 Map 
Utrera town4682937.182465-5.781751 Map 
Utrillas town308140.812641-0.844144 Map 
Uxo village200843.204437-5.790173 Map 
Val de Santo Domingo villageCastilla-La ManchaToledo105840.011375-4.327076 Map 
Valdeavero villageComunidad de MadridMadrid104840.631657-3.333124 Map 
Valdecaballeros villageExtremaduraBadajoz113239.242790-5.189851 Map 
Valdefuentes villageExtremaduraCáceres138739.273754-6.126006 Map 
Valdelacalzada villageExtremaduraBadajoz283838.890263-6.701187 Map 
Valdemorillo villageComunidad de MadridMadrid531240.501678-4.068888 Map 
Valdemoro townComunidad de MadridMadrid6592240.188793-3.671621 Map 
Valdepeñas townCastilla-La ManchaCiudad Real3113938.759457-3.384739 Map 
Valdepeñas de Jaén village409437.590118-3.815314 Map 
Valderas village201442.078777-5.444744 Map 

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