Free Maps of Spain

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Towns in Spain Beginning with Q

Table of towns in Spain

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Quart villageCatalunyaGirona298341.9412802.840749 Map 
Quart de les Valls village109939.739876-0.272800 Map 
Quart de Poblet town2301239.482723-0.443885 Map 
Quartell village148039.737389-0.264007 Map 
Quatretonda village247038.945698-0.401626 Map 
Quel village207342.228439-2.048307 Map 
Quero villageCastilla-La ManchaToledo132939.509857-3.247587 Map 
Quesada village253437.842983-3.066921 Map 
Quijorna villageComunidad de MadridMadrid284240.429085-4.056538 Map 
Quintana de la Serena villageExtremaduraBadajoz503738.740562-5.673018 Map 
Quintanadueñas village138542.384808-3.734744 Map 
Quintanar de la Orden town1287339.590984-3.044228 Map 
Quintanar de la Sierra village204841.981815-3.041534 Map 
Quintanar del Rey village791039.345654-1.928126 Map 
Quintanilla de Onésimo village114041.625900-4.362775 Map 
Quinto village211141.424812-0.497516 Map 
Quiroga village151842.476067-7.272736 Map 
Quismondo village167540.105610-4.324308 Map 

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