Free Maps of Spain

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Towns in Spain Beginning with T

Table of towns in Spain

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Tabernas village306437.049889-2.391377 Map 
Taberno village120537.468204-2.078069 Map 
Tafalla town1141342.527828-1.674482 Map 
Talamanca de Jarama villageComunidad de MadridMadrid289540.746025-3.512991 Map 
Talarrubias villageExtremaduraBadajoz357539.036800-5.234192 Map 
Talavera de la Reina townCastilla-La ManchaToledo8577639.960709-4.829963 Map 
Talayuela villageExtremaduraCáceres617339.985992-5.609605 Map 
Tamarite de Litera village390041.8683510.421304 Map 
Tapia de Casariego town232943.569199-6.943700 Map 
Taradell village509241.8762632.285951 Map 
Tarancón town1573240.008606-3.010224 Map 
Tarazona town1083741.906509-1.721646 Map 
Tarazona de la Mancha town674639.262802-1.911155 Map 
Tarifa town1776836.012741-5.604910 Map 
Tarragona cityCatalunyaTarragona13408541.1172371.254606 Map 
Tàrrega town1210041.6472781.140909 Map 
Tauste town697241.920319-1.254725 Map 
Tavernes Blanques village942639.506428-0.362599 Map 
Tavernes de la Valldigna town1813039.071644-0.267855 Map 
Teba villageAndalucíaMálaga398836.983253-4.918404 Map 
Teià village466941.4970702.321433 Map 
Teixeiro village100543.138630-8.035178 Map 
Tembleque town239039.693909-3.506277 Map 
Térmens village158741.7189640.762762 Map 
Terrassa cityCatalunyaBarcelona21369741.5697292.013207 Map 

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