Free Maps of Spain

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Towns in Spain Beginning with N

Table of towns in Spain

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Nájera town840442.416744-2.733687 Map 
Nambroca village305639.797844-3.944460 Map 
Náquera village568039.658920-0.426309 Map 
Narón townGaliciaA Coruña3891043.501080-8.192317 Map 
Nava village233143.358223-5.505677 Map 
Nava de la Asunción village291541.155514-4.487810 Map 
Nava del Rey village212341.330452-5.081373 Map 
Navacerrada villageComunidad de MadridMadrid276240.728794-4.015168 Map 
Navaconcejo villageExtremaduraCáceres204640.176796-5.829618 Map 
Navahermosa villageCastilla-La ManchaToledo421639.633427-4.469190 Map 
Navalafuente villageComunidad de MadridMadrid107340.823528-3.674161 Map 
Navalagamella villageComunidad de MadridMadrid228140.469059-4.122708 Map 
Navalcán villageCastilla-La ManchaToledo239140.069096-5.093174 Map 
Navalcarnero townComunidad de MadridMadrid2262240.287716-4.014299 Map 
Navalmanzano village117441.215988-4.255727 Map 
Navalmoral de la Mata townExtremaduraCáceres1730939.892830-5.540120 Map 
Navalperal de Pinares village104840.593739-4.410680 Map 
Navaluenga village208640.410538-4.708251 Map 
Navalvillar de Pela villageExtremaduraBadajoz432039.090275-5.468212 Map 
Navarcles town568941.7531591.903361 Map 
Navarrés village312939.102467-0.695320 Map 
Navarrete village285642.428970-2.561623 Map 
Navàs town585741.8989221.876774 Map 
Navas de Oro village148041.195980-4.438645 Map 
Navas de San Juan village502138.183647-3.313759 Map 

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