Free Maps of Spain

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Towns in Spain

Table of towns in Spain

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Segurilla village126340.023048-4.864261 Map 
Selaya villageCantabriaCantabria157143.217785-3.806637 Map 
Selva village207139.7544822.900718 Map 
Sencelles village289839.6477892.897858 Map 
Sentmenat village637141.6110502.137446 Map 
Senyera village119239.063553-0.509966 Map 
Sepúlveda village104341.297371-3.749370 Map 
Serón village217537.343719-2.508424 Map 
Seròs village186741.4636690.411868 Map 
Serra village233739.685444-0.428490 Map 
Serra de Outes townGaliciaA Coruña106442.842812-8.908310 Map 
Serrada village118441.456944-4.862539 Map 
Serranillos del Valle villageComunidad de MadridMadrid344040.203773-3.884348 Map 
Ses Salines villageIlles BalearsIlles Balears231739.3391993.054137 Map 
Seseña townCastilla-La ManchaToledo1251340.104828-3.696309 Map 
Seseña Nuevo townCastilla-La ManchaToledo497740.107857-3.651772 Map 
Sesma village126442.477222-2.085949 Map 
Sestao town2922443.309433-3.007595 Map 
Setenil de las Bodegas village284436.862183-5.178700 Map 
Seva village216941.8358732.284768 Map 
Sevilla city70320637.388630-5.995317 Map 
Sevilla la Nueva villageComunidad de MadridMadrid714040.348171-4.028106 Map 
Sierra de Yeguas village327437.124252-4.868987 Map 
Siete Aguas village142339.471767-0.916900 Map 
Sigüeiro town335542.968784-8.441745 Map 

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