Free Maps of Spain

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Towns in Spain

Table of towns in Spain

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Chillón village203038.796059-4.865622 Map 
Chilluévar village153838.001896-3.031045 Map 
Chiloeches village153440.573212-3.162721 Map 
Chimeneas village109837.131226-3.823518 Map 
Chinchilla de Monte-Aragón town302838.919601-1.726366 Map 
Chinchón townComunidad de MadridMadrid463740.140602-3.420840 Map 
Chipiona town1844736.735733-6.434762 Map 
Chirivel village131737.595978-2.267928 Map 
Chiva town1453939.471378-0.719709 Map 
Chozas de Canales village383540.099403-4.043849 Map 
Churriana de la Vega town1311837.146435-3.643087 Map 
Ciempozuelos townComunidad de MadridMadrid2395040.158009-3.620551 Map 
Cieza town3400738.239128-1.418964 Map 
Cifuentes village161140.785477-2.622089 Map 
Cigales village457241.758408-4.699080 Map 
Cijuela village309837.198303-3.810259 Map 
Cilleros villageExtremaduraCáceres192840.114498-6.792699 Map 
Cintruénigo village774042.079914-1.803497 Map 
Cistierna village295042.803123-5.126822 Map 
Ciudad Real cityCastilla-La ManchaCiudad Real7100538.985420-3.928514 Map 
Ciudad Rodrigo townCastilla y LeónSalamanca1392240.597393-6.533518 Map 
Ciutadella town2149640.0006753.835597 Map 
Cizur Menor village202042.786709-1.676542 Map 
Cobeja villageCastilla-La ManchaToledo244440.023518-3.858106 Map 
Cobeña villageComunidad de MadridMadrid616240.567608-3.504856 Map 

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