Free Maps of Spain

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Towns in Spain

Table of towns in Spain

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Alalpardo villageComunidad de MadridMadrid183640.629688-3.474137 Map 
Alameda village548637.208496-4.660614 Map 
Alameda de la Sagra village340540.013302-3.796879 Map 
Alange village201338.785137-6.247272 Map 
Alanís village186338.036594-5.713250 Map 
Alaquàs town3020239.457146-0.460948 Map 
Alaró village540139.7061542.790722 Map 
Alba de Tormes village505840.826633-5.514271 Map 
Albacete city17139038.995106-1.855961 Map 
Albaida village633538.838669-0.518189 Map 
Albaida del Aljarafe village289837.425499-6.165057 Map 
Albal town1561839.395645-0.415082 Map 
Albaladejo village150638.617874-2.806439 Map 
Albalat de la Ribera village358539.201263-0.386647 Map 
Albalat dels Sorells village385639.543694-0.346191 Map 
Albalat dels Tarongers village113739.702892-0.337198 Map 
Albalate de Cinca village123741.7218930.145293 Map 
Albalate del Arzobispo village215541.122082-0.510052 Map 
Albanchez de Mágina village119937.791992-3.467876 Map 
Albarracín villageAragónTeruel106240.405312-1.444032 Map 
Albatàrrec villageCatalunyaLleida197941.5733180.605916 Map 
Albatera town1182138.179436-0.870072 Map 
Albelda de Iregua villageLa RiojaLa Rioja329142.356052-2.473680 Map 
Alberic town1132539.116436-0.520184 Map 
Alberite village267642.406075-2.439291 Map 

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