Free Maps of Spain

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Towns in Spain Beginning with T

Table of towns in Spain

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Teruel city3423640.343674-1.108194 Map 
Teulada town1477838.7288020.105151 Map 
Tiana village750541.4819222.268947 Map 
Tibi village174538.530895-0.577543 Map 
Tielmes villageComunidad de MadridMadrid258140.246502-3.313621 Map 
Tiena village104437.320553-3.787275 Map 
Tinéu/Tineo town366043.333740-6.416627 Map 
Titulcia villageComunidad de MadridMadrid115640.137917-3.570998 Map 
Tivissa village143641.0416490.734561 Map 
Tobarra village705338.594276-1.688646 Map 
Tocina village479437.609772-5.735425 Map 
Tocón village108637.236835-3.966991 Map 
Toledo cityCastilla-La ManchaToledo8500039.856068-4.023957 Map 
Tolosa townEuskal Herria / PaísGipuzkoa1857443.138611-2.072356 Map 
Tolox village222736.686855-4.904546 Map 
Tomares town2392137.376286-6.045636 Map 
Tomelloso townCastilla-La ManchaCiudad Real3864139.159008-3.021510 Map 
Tona village808541.8538062.228012 Map 
Torà village126641.8120801.403715 Map 
Toral de los Vados village159742.542408-6.775505 Map 
Tordera town1564141.7007452.718829 Map 
Torelló town1394442.0478292.264339 Map 
Toreno village215642.699043-6.511307 Map 
Torija village137340.743332-3.031688 Map 
Tornavacas villageExtremaduraCáceres117340.255688-5.688514 Map 

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