Free Maps of Spain

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Towns in Spain Beginning with M

Table of towns in Spain

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Malpartida de Cáceres villageExtremaduraCáceres443339.445576-6.505855 Map 
Malpartida de Plasencia villageExtremaduraCáceres451839.981163-6.043775 Map 
Malpica town205143.324306-8.808667 Map 
Malpica de Bergantiños town205143.324306-8.808667 Map 
Malpica de Tajo village200439.895020-4.549228 Map 
Maluenda village109441.287273-1.615940 Map 
Manacor town2800339.5696453.210646 Map 
Mancha Real town1098137.786400-3.612428 Map 
Mancor de la Vall villageIlles BalearsIlles Balears132439.7501372.870987 Map 
Manilva townAndalucíaMálaga1416836.375435-5.250388 Map 
Manises town2960039.492989-0.462143 Map 
Manlleu town2045041.9999812.284116 Map 
Manresa city7364041.7291181.828371 Map 
Mansilla de las Mulas village172842.499100-5.416916 Map 
Manuel village262739.051327-0.490904 Map 
Manzanares town1918538.996506-3.371946 Map 
Manzanares el Real villageComunidad de MadridMadrid805340.726852-3.864914 Map 
Manzanilla villageAndalucíaHuelva234537.388748-6.431624 Map 
Maó town2685639.8894314.264729 Map 
Maracena town2151437.207771-3.633299 Map 
Marbella cityAndalucíaMálaga13632236.510906-4.880844 Map 
Marchamalo village555340.668865-3.202114 Map 
Marchena town1986137.326904-5.416172 Map 
Marcilla village280442.325748-1.738872 Map 
María village126737.710621-2.164497 Map 

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