Free Maps of Spain

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Towns in Spain Beginning with G

Table of towns in Spain

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Grazalema villageAndalucíaCádiz166836.758644-5.369242 Map 
Grijota village170342.052490-4.582273 Map 
Griñón townComunidad de MadridMadrid954640.213661-3.858148 Map 
Guadahortuna village199937.558025-3.399024 Map 
Guadalajara city7792540.633026-3.164721 Map 
Guadalcázar village152837.757851-4.944163 Map 
Guadalix de la Sierra villageComunidad de MadridMadrid587740.782238-3.700779 Map 
Guadalupe villageExtremaduraCáceres209039.452019-5.327618 Map 
Guadamur village183939.811371-4.148880 Map 
Guadarrama townComunidad de MadridMadrid1242240.673447-4.089391 Map 
Guadassuar village606739.185928-0.476946 Map 
Guadiana del Caudillo villageExtremaduraBadajoz254338.928577-6.690567 Map 
Guadiaro village586336.300320-5.301881 Map 
Guadix townAndalucíaAlmería1817637.299553-3.137125 Map 
Guardamar del Segura town1642338.090000-0.653810 Map 
Guardiola de Berguedà village100242.2338561.879239 Map 
Guardo village710442.789547-4.846288 Map 
Guaro village228536.658905-4.836912 Map 
Guarromán villageJaén282138.184048-3.685237 Map 
Guijuelo villageCastilla y LeónSalamanca605040.557568-5.671574 Map 
Guissona town621941.7852401.289032 Map 
Guitiriz town165443.180805-7.893923 Map 
Gurb village196241.9411432.242616 Map 
Gurrea de Gállego village108142.014900-0.761877 Map 
Güéjar Sierra village288437.159908-3.438848 Map 

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