Free Maps of Spain

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Towns in Spain Beginning with C

Table of towns in Spain

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Campotéjar village141837.481361-3.616815 Map 
Camprodon village207242.3110852.365118 Map 
Campuzano villageCantabriaCantabria1123643.339561-4.058304 Map 
Camuñas villageCastilla-La ManchaToledo191739.428307-3.455161 Map 
Cañada village123838.672340-0.816836 Map 
Cañada Rosal village324237.597790-5.207576 Map 
Canals town1232538.962395-0.583218 Map 
Cañamero villageExtremaduraCáceres178339.379677-5.388839 Map 
Cañaveral villageExtremaduraCáceres119239.790028-6.394143 Map 
Candás villagePrincipado de AsturiAsturias698243.590027-5.764177 Map 
Candeleda village472440.155724-5.240962 Map 
Canena village209238.048252-3.481984 Map 
Canet d'En Berenguer village258639.679955-0.219617 Map 
Canet de Mar town1391541.5900922.577800 Map 
Cañete de las Torres village313337.865761-4.318365 Map 
Cañete la Real village199036.951904-5.024044 Map 
Cangas town689142.264725-8.779649 Map 
Cangas de Onís / Cangues d'Onís villagePrincipado de AsturiAsturias394543.351257-5.128545 Map 
Caniles village420637.434200-2.724504 Map 
Canillas de Aceituno villageAndalucíaMalaga228536.872616-4.081850 Map 
Canjáyar village144037.010445-2.740622 Map 
Canovelles town1221841.6173932.282880 Map 
Cànoves village107541.6935122.352796 Map 
Cantalapiedra village112741.125584-5.183379 Map 
Cantalejo village378141.258259-3.927438 Map 

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