Free Maps of Spain

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Towns in Spain Beginning with C

Table of towns in Spain

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Calzada de Calatrava townCiudad Real434338.701584-3.775975 Map 
Camarena villageCastilla-La ManchaToledo299040.092583-4.121254 Map 
Camariñas town277543.129375-9.184884 Map 
Camarles village266440.7816890.655090 Map 
Camarma de Esteruelas villageComunidad de MadridMadrid626140.549038-3.378621 Map 
Camas townAndalucíaSevilla2608637.402012-6.033157 Map 
Cambados town690542.514389-8.813841 Map 
Cambil village217437.676846-3.564921 Map 
Cambre town387643.292484-8.342969 Map 
Cambrils town2183941.0679441.065758 Map 
Campanario villageExtremaduraBadajoz527838.863388-5.617092 Map 
Campanet village259739.7750592.965125 Map 
Campanillas village1734936.726917-4.544264 Map 
Campaspero village134641.492340-4.193620 Map 
Campdevànol village318942.2232132.167889 Map 
Campillo de Altobuey village157639.610119-1.793275 Map 
Campillo de Arenas village208437.555309-3.635457 Map 
Campillo de Llerena villageExtremaduraBadajoz148538.500671-5.832397 Map 
Campillos village864137.047581-4.862642 Map 
Campo de Criptana townCastilla-La ManchaCiudad Real1504839.405251-3.125645 Map 
Campo Real villageComunidad de MadridMadrid482540.338188-3.381391 Map 
Camponaraya village304642.577568-6.667586 Map 
Camporrobles town148739.647240-1.400934 Map 
Campos town849739.4313093.019791 Map 
Campos del Río village200038.040501-1.352527 Map 

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