Free Maps of Spain

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Towns in Spain Beginning with A

Table of towns in Spain

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Aldeanueva de la Vera villageExtremaduraCáceres222940.128983-5.699982 Map 
Aldeatejada village123140.924973-5.691080 Map 
Alegia villageEuskal Herria / PaísGipuzkoa177143.100433-2.098358 Map 
Alegría-Dulantzi village260942.842415-2.512674 Map 
Alella village926041.4952892.294276 Map 
Alfacar village287237.238354-3.566372 Map 
Alfafar town2066439.420074-0.389136 Map 
Alfajarín village192741.613785-0.703690 Map 
Alfamén village150941.438362-1.243173 Map 
Alfara del Patriarca village310739.544128-0.385658 Map 
Alfarnate village133836.994263-4.260415 Map 
Alfaro town981342.178574-1.749245 Map 
Alfarp village153439.276733-0.560509 Map 
Alfarràs town290041.8311390.569293 Map 
Alfarrasí village129838.903725-0.496155 Map 
Alforja village144241.2099760.975061 Map 
Algaida villageIlles BalearsIlles Balears443139.5587162.894512 Map 
Algámitas village134637.016533-5.148864 Map 
Algar village153836.655602-5.657378 Map 
Algarinejo village159037.325203-4.158207 Map 
Algarrobo village275436.772415-4.039012 Map 
Algeciras cityAndalucíaCádiz11555036.131081-5.448706 Map 
Algemesí town2624539.190792-0.435753 Map 
Algete townComunidad de MadridMadrid1582840.596165-3.497425 Map 
Algimia de Alfara village102839.753605-0.362999 Map 

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