Free Maps of Germany

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Towns in Germany

Table of towns in Germany

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Berumbur village244353.5946047.314449 Map 
Besigheim town1179749.0000729.142084 Map 
Bessenbach village594549.9670149.251047 Map 
Bestensee village670052.24295413.628038 Map 
Bestwig town1117151.3609508.400555 Map 
Betzdorf town1020050.7879947.872380 Map 
Betzenstein town255549.68063711.418756 Map 
Betzigau village281847.73510710.380623 Map 
Beucha village313951.32112912.569287 Map 
Beuren village338648.5697299.399909 Map 
Bevern village439051.8578839.494029 Map 
Beverstedt town439353.4340638.818337 Map 
Beverungen town1385951.6676529.375907 Map 
Bexbach town1923149.3481037.254761 Map 
Bexhövede village221853.4836468.684167 Map 
Biberach (Baden) village327548.3388828.028135 Map 
Biberach an der Riß town3227048.0984429.789994 Map 
Biberbach village350548.51697910.811195 Map 
Biburg village991048.37500810.761640 Map 
Bickenbach (Bergstraße) village537349.7549448.612548 Map 
Biebergemünd town837350.1801459.291838 Map 
Biebertal town1028550.6170468.604613 Map 
Biebesheim am Rhein town654449.7836008.474440 Map 
Biedenkopf town1376650.9158138.527021 Map 
Biederitz village462052.15671211.719833 Map 

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