Free Maps of Germany

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Towns in Germany Beginning with R

Table of towns in Germany

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Rosenheim town5993547.85392812.127262 Map 
Rosenthal town225050.9737598.869420 Map 
Rositz village326551.01515212.373772 Map 
Rossau village391350.99806613.047741 Map 
Rostock city20426054.09244512.128613 Map 
Rostrup village305153.1927537.983571 Map 
Rot am See village515749.25261710.024622 Map 
Rot an der Rot village441048.01467110.032543 Map 
Rotenburg (Wümme) town2209353.1108899.404929 Map 
Rotenburg an der Fulda town1420450.9948589.726994 Map 
Rothenberg village251749.4991998.919170 Map 
Rothenburg ob der Tauber town1129749.37719010.178881 Map 
Rothenburg/O.L. town560051.33330914.966693 Map 
Rott am Inn village360947.98275812.128796 Map 
Rottach-Egern village530747.69096011.770711 Map 
Rottenacker village221048.2351049.688943 Map 
Rottenbach village207350.68890411.169295 Map 
Rottenburg am Neckar town4289948.4769598.933679 Map 
Rottenburg an der Laaber town765848.70015312.028288 Map 
Rottendorf village523249.79138210.024611 Map 
Rotthalmünster village509048.35884513.201599 Map 
Rottweil town2570148.1655318.625128 Map 
Roxheim village237549.8639147.809876 Map 
Roßbach village293348.59876612.939350 Map 
Roßdorf town1212349.8718268.743707 Map 

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