Free Maps of Germany

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Towns in Germany Beginning with O

Table of towns in Germany

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Osburg village248649.7151796.791215 Map 
Oschatz town1684951.29798513.108264 Map 
Oschersleben (Bode) town2083152.02665311.227781 Map 
Osdorf village235354.42923710.015203 Map 
Osnabrück city16448952.2668388.049741 Map 
Ostbevern village1019552.0372167.840428 Map 
Osteel village238553.5336847.264200 Map 
Ostelsheim village251948.7266658.846926 Map 
Osten village201653.6954969.185743 Map 
Osterath town1264551.2690936.620715 Map 
Osterburg town599852.78990611.752604 Map 
Osterburken town652349.4305809.427377 Map 
Osterhofen town1133448.70182413.020398 Map 
Osterholz-Scharmbeck town3114553.2281768.794824 Map 
Osterode town2484551.72773410.250987 Map 
Osterrönfeld village526754.2869809.695744 Map 
Osterwieck town393251.96896710.713546 Map 
Ostfildern town3468748.7178619.263069 Map 
Ostheim vor der Rhön town360450.46027010.233049 Map 
Osthofen town860449.7051778.326052 Map 
Ostrach village683147.9528859.382441 Map 
Ostrau, Sachsen village447751.20000113.166700 Map 
Ostrhauderfehn town1071953.1389207.621171 Map 
Ostritz town310051.01493514.932797 Map 
Ostseebad Binz village559554.40099013.607530 Map 

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