Town Name | Type | Region | Province / State | County | Municipality | Population | Latitude | Longitude | |
Jübek | village | 2563 | 54.556957 | 9.401334 | Map | ||||
Jüchen | village | 22642 | 51.101715 | 6.503689 | Map | ||||
Jülich | town | 33948 | 50.922092 | 6.361102 | Map | ||||
Jüterbog | town | 12830 | 51.996975 | 13.082069 | Map | ||||
Jänschwalde | village | 2807 | 51.861832 | 14.498489 | Map | ||||
Jöhstadt | town | 3381 | 50.514236 | 13.090020 | Map |
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