Free Maps of Germany

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Towns in Germany Beginning with I

Table of towns in Germany

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Irschenberg town305947.83455711.913846 Map 
Irxleben village242452.16643511.482884 Map 
Isen village552248.21203212.057138 Map 
Isenbüttel village618252.43637810.578833 Map 
Isenstedt village265852.3481868.635318 Map 
Iserlohn town9453651.3746807.699971 Map 
Isernhagen village2267052.4337239.849239 Map 
Ismaning town1522148.22424311.671526 Map 
Isny im Allgäu town1452547.69245910.039439 Map 
Ispringen village600148.9205598.669015 Map 
Isselburg town1114751.8342976.461523 Map 
Issum village700051.5347336.424508 Map 
Ittersbach village300048.8677908.506761 Map 
Ittlingen village240149.1920368.932113 Map 
Itzehoe town3322153.9250349.515585 Map 
Itzgrund village232250.15000210.900000 Map 
Itzstedt village222553.80698810.156552 Map 

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