Free Maps of Norway

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Towns in Norway

Table of towns in Norway

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Ekkerøy village[?]70.07622530.104036 Map 
Ekne village[?]63.69625111.042696 Map 
Elnesvågen village[?]62.8536307.154214 Map 
Eltonåsen village[?]60.13574211.022438 Map 
Elverum town1946560.88296111.560238 Map 
Elvran village[?]63.39350511.069106 Map 
Endrestø village[?]58.9788745.612935 Map 
Enga village[?]66.77964813.534211 Map 
Engelsvoll village[?]58.7782555.682763 Map 
Engerdal village[?]61.75808311.961023 Map 
Engesland village[?]58.5314188.118171 Map 
Engø village[?]59.14533210.312380 Map 
Ertenvåg village[?]67.12407714.316150 Map 
Erve village[?]59.5528225.497863 Map 
Ervik village[?]63.7487118.834636 Map 
Etne village[?]59.6647875.934997 Map 
Evanger village[?]60.6474916.114403 Map 
Evenskjer village[?]68.58571616.575119 Map 
Evje village244558.5862737.804934 Map 
Eydehavn village[?]58.4998258.864409 Map 
Fagernes town640060.9862599.236341 Map 
Fagernes village[?]69.56073019.182707 Map 
Fagerstrand village[?]59.73997110.597976 Map 
Faleide village[?]61.8885156.616706 Map 
Fana village[?]60.2633295.345289 Map 

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