Free Maps of Norway

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Towns in Norway Beginning with R

Table of towns in Norway

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Rustefjelbma village[?]70.39877328.192802 Map 
Rye village[?]63.41890710.144783 Map 
Rygg village[?]64.18187711.886311 Map 
Rykene village[?]58.4098638.637409 Map 
Rypefjord village[?]70.64582123.672844 Map 
Rysstad village[?]59.0894747.541624 Map 
Rystad village[?]68.27755714.313356 Map 
Rådal village[?]60.2924355.321129 Map 
Råde village[?]59.35269210.868425 Map 
Råholt village[?]60.27734411.179734 Map 
Råkvåg village[?]63.76153910.070206 Map 
Rånåsfoss village[?]60.02962111.331378 Map 
Rødberg village[?]60.2671788.947258 Map 
Rødsand village[?]69.13384217.025227 Map 
Røkland village[?]66.98403915.311316 Map 
Røldal village[?]59.8331876.818951 Map 
Røros town562062.57498611.382135 Map 
Rørvik village[?]64.86230511.234646 Map 
Røssvoll village[?]66.36405914.331120 Map 
Røv village[?]62.9940118.934314 Map 
Røyken village[?]59.74682610.394695 Map 
Røyknes village[?]58.3440407.900040 Map 
Røyksund village[?]59.3268475.348136 Map 
Røyrvik village[?]64.88896213.558172 Map 
Røytvoll village[?]65.20208712.242964 Map 

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