Free Maps of Germany

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Towns in Germany

Table of towns in Germany

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Kraichtal town1496449.1302998.743650 Map 
Krakow am See town350553.64999812.266708 Map 
Kranenburg village954551.7897616.007521 Map 
Kranichfeld town379550.85241711.201281 Map 
Kranzberg village383748.40610511.613021 Map 
Krauchenwies village505348.0186469.250913 Map 
Krauschwitz village404651.52005414.708195 Map 
Krautheim village487749.3863989.633890 Map 
Krayenberggemeinde town532950.82946810.112124 Map 
Krefeld city23827051.3331186.562334 Map 
Kreiensen village270151.8561599.961173 Map 
Kreischa village443150.94537413.760102 Map 
Kremmen town730652.76049413.029482 Map 
Krempe town244253.8363919.489745 Map 
Kremperheide village255053.8869909.481669 Map 
Kressbronn am Bodensee village816547.5965819.600327 Map 
Kreuth village391147.64101811.744245 Map 
Kreuzau town1861250.7468576.489329 Map 
Kreuztal town3204250.9598627.989620 Map 
Kreuzwertheim village386949.7663699.516590 Map 
Kriftel village1069850.0850038.470736 Map 
Kritzmow village282454.05204012.052726 Map 
Krombach village218850.0896199.208722 Map 
Kronach town1816550.23978411.327767 Map 
Kronau village561349.2195518.631745 Map 

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