Free Maps of France

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Towns in France

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Les Ponts-de-Cé town1169647.428696-0.527066 Map 
Les Rosiers-sur-Loire village235747.352737-0.224830 Map 
Les Rousses village310846.4925046.070548 Map 
Les Sables-d'Olonne town1460346.497223-1.783333 Map 
Les Salles-du-Gardon village254744.1969154.045052 Map 
Les Sorinières village744447.148006-1.530238 Map 
Les Touches village226847.442352-1.431381 Map 
Les Ulis town2479248.6805572.169009 Map 
Les Vans village282744.4054794.133286 Map 
Lescar village998143.333378-0.435727 Map 
Lescure-d'Albigeois village418643.9538382.169136 Map 
Lésigny village744248.7441222.614698 Map 
Lesneven village708348.571850-4.323592 Map 
Lesparre-Médoc village558145.308186-0.937940 Map 
Lespignan village312043.2743003.169820 Map 
Lespinasse village252643.7077981.385459 Map 
Lesquerde village220042.8003162.529506 Map 
Lesquin village639450.5887993.109970 Map 
Lessay village202549.218662-1.532503 Map 
Lestrem village424150.6218642.686880 Map 
Leucate village404342.9100073.027022 Map 
Leuville-sur-Orge village409948.6155592.267403 Map 
Leval village232650.1789443.830675 Map 
Levallois-Perret town6425348.8951072.287301 Map 
Levens village468343.8477367.240111 Map 

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