Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with S

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Signes village280143.2908595.863670 Map 
Sillingy village447045.9471406.035960 Map 
Simiane-Collongue village543543.4283875.437232 Map 
Sin-le-Noble town1625750.3644033.109192 Map 
Sinceny village217349.5969433.247222 Map 
Sissonne village230049.5729943.892787 Map 
Sisteron town745044.1963465.944379 Map 
Six-Fours-les-Plages town3489743.0935105.839395 Map 
Sixt-sur-Aff village215247.776085-2.080335 Map 
Sizun village222148.405926-4.077628 Map 
Smarves village253546.5121000.358020 Map 
Sochaux village406047.5151486.831200 Map 
Soignolles-en-Brie village207348.6546402.696843 Map 
Soissons town2844249.3816683.323611 Map 
Soisy-sous-Montmorency town1742848.9904142.303489 Map 
Soisy-sur-Seine village710048.6502912.449099 Map 
Solaize village277745.6406104.838656 Map 
Solesmes village456850.1857533.497592 Map 
Soliers village215649.135555-0.294167 Map 
Solliès-Pont village1109043.1905716.042020 Map 
Solliès-Toucas village513143.2058416.025191 Map 
Solliès-Ville village246043.1823016.037860 Map 
Somain town1250650.3600013.275950 Map 
Sommières village447943.7840124.089646 Map 
Soorts-Hossegor village372043.658405-1.426238 Map 

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