Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with S

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Sathonay-Village village214845.8321114.878754 Map 
Satolas-et-Bonce village210145.6929025.129690 Map 
Saucats village213644.652798-0.595890 Map 
Saujon village679645.674267-0.924447 Map 
Saulcy-sur-Meurthe village239248.2376946.960430 Map 
Saulieu village256447.2775194.230692 Map 
Saulnes village235049.5326235.823169 Map 
Saultain village205850.3350983.582550 Map 
Saulx-les-Chartreux village504848.6853982.266750 Map 
Saulxures-lès-Nancy village388448.6887826.247310 Map 
Saulxures-sur-Moselotte village274847.9499556.769717 Map 
Saumur town2728347.259705-0.077843 Map 
Sausheim village547147.7879947.372091 Map 
Sausset-les-Pins village760643.3320475.109444 Map 
Sautron village690147.263260-1.668354 Map 
Sauvagnon village298943.404400-0.385893 Map 
Sauvian village415343.2916983.254760 Map 
Savenay village756547.359230-1.942124 Map 
Saverdun village452843.2347371.574641 Map 
Saverne town1208748.7420277.362510 Map 
Savigné-l'Évêque villagePays de la Loire404148.0773320.296213 Map 
Savigneux village318645.6063584.087903 Map 
Savigny-le-Temple town2859948.5848962.586404 Map 
Savigny-sur-Braye village217747.8808480.810123 Map 
Savigny-sur-Orge town3684248.6842582.348279 Map 

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