Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with S

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Sangatte village465450.9458051.753713 Map 
Sanguinet village325844.483479-1.075938 Map 
Sannois town2609048.9734992.252260 Map 
Santec village226648.703209-4.026029 Map 
Santeny village372448.7348562.578849 Map 
Santes village561850.5974122.955204 Map 
Sanvignes-les-Mines village437346.6654664.292204 Map 
Saône village326047.2246936.117124 Map 
Saran town1512047.9494061.876421 Map 
Sarcelles town5861448.9960822.379624 Map 
Sare village250843.312962-1.579301 Map 
Sargé-lès-le-Mans villagePays de la Loire354148.0339240.240201 Map 
Sarlat-la-Canéda town973944.8879431.216132 Map 
Sarralbe village456949.0005577.030641 Map 
Sarras village206745.1890984.798330 Map 
Sarre-Union village307248.9384657.090322 Map 
Sarrebourg town1256548.7356767.053330 Map 
Sarreguemines town2154049.1091967.069502 Map 
Sarrians village580944.0831414.971722 Map 
Sarrola village204442.0289278.842495 Map 
Sarry village203148.9200784.406380 Map 
Sartrouville town5115048.9384002.177610 Map 
Sarzeau village768247.528770-2.764200 Map 
Sassenage village1099645.2063675.662182 Map 
Sathonay-Camp village423645.8247994.875446 Map 

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