Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with P

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Ploudaniel village364948.536896-4.310181 Map 
Plouédern village279348.484154-4.245935 Map 
Plouénan village240048.627781-3.988968 Map 
Plouër-sur-Rance village336148.524502-2.005630 Map 
Plouescat village360948.657207-4.174316 Map 
Plouézec village338248.739403-2.979586 Map 
Ploufragan townBretagne1111148.491386-2.793445 Map 
Plougasnou village321248.695911-3.792230 Map 
Plougastel-Daoulas town1317848.374233-4.369679 Map 
Plougonvelin village376048.341511-4.719240 Map 
Plougonven village329348.521263-3.712213 Map 
Plougoumelen village240447.652512-2.917589 Map 
Plouguerneau village639348.605015-4.502321 Map 
Plouguin village210048.525269-4.597689 Map 
Plouha village459748.675503-2.928296 Map 
Plouharnel village203847.598015-3.112835 Map 
Plouhinec village417748.015362-4.487786 Map 
Plouhinec village500347.697681-3.251099 Map 
Plouigneau village475348.567703-3.701146 Map 
Ploumagoar village514248.545105-3.131824 Map 
Ploumilliau village255048.678795-3.523164 Map 
Plounévez-Lochrist village240048.617466-4.211006 Map 
Plourin-lès-Morlaix village444848.536865-3.787953 Map 
Plourivo village221348.745213-3.071711 Map 
Plouvien village369348.530827-4.450604 Map 

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