Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with P

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Périgueux town2957345.1909370.718441 Map 
Perl village658549.4749576.387451 Map 
Perly-Certoux village306446.1561206.087184 Map 
Pernes-les-Fontaines town1041043.9984635.059255 Map 
Pérols village850943.5586013.950201 Map 
Péron village214346.1896865.924480 Map 
Péronnas village605446.1798485.203589 Map 
Péronne town788749.9285742.932877 Map 
Perpignan city11741942.6953892.884471 Map 
Perreux village216946.0386014.143520 Map 
Perros-Guirec village750048.815113-3.439466 Map 
Pers-Jussy village258746.1077776.268056 Map 
Persan town1049849.1485862.267508 Map 
Perthes-en-Gâtinais village211448.4758612.555445 Map 
Pertuis town1893143.6951485.503267 Map 
Peschadoires village211145.8250583.492511 Map 
Pessac town5802544.805565-0.630279 Map 
Petit-Couronne village920949.3818021.033300 Map 
Petit-Mars village346247.395439-1.454600 Map 
Petite-Forêt village495850.3749013.478330 Map 
Petite-Rosselle village659349.2074936.848857 Map 
Peymeinade village786743.6419916.875686 Map 
Peynier village295643.4471555.640332 Map 
Peypin village538443.3838125.577854 Map 
Peyrehorade village346743.544094-1.105088 Map 

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