Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with P

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Pau city7979843.295753-0.368567 Map 
Pauillac village507545.199562-0.748499 Map 
Paulhan village364843.5418013.460445 Map 
Pavie village239943.6108320.592778 Map 
Pavilly village622649.5677570.953485 Map 
Payrin-Augmontel village218843.5177692.348394 Map 
Péaule village251647.581127-2.357090 Map 
Péchabou village201143.5005951.508829 Map 
Pechbonnieu village394043.7027171.467051 Map 
Pecquencourt village615450.3777203.214901 Map 
Pégomas village680943.5928506.930664 Map 
Peille village229143.8027887.401442 Map 
Pélissanne village951843.6305925.150220 Map 
Pellouailles-les-Vignes village248647.521980-0.439142 Map 
Pélussin village351545.4182434.669796 Map 
Penmarc'h village579647.812603-4.337765 Map 
Pennautier village246543.2443432.318995 Map 
Penne-d'Agenais village240044.3788990.841113 Map 
Penvénan village262048.812016-3.297336 Map 
Percy village228148.916203-1.189884 Map 
Pérenchies village810450.6707502.967288 Map 
Périers village239049.187092-1.410022 Map 
Pérignat-lès-Sarliève village269645.7360573.140554 Map 
Périgny village231148.6945422.553424 Map 
Périgny village728446.154346-1.093739 Map 

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