Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with P

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Pont-l'Abbé village832247.865921-4.220846 Map 
Pont-l'Évêque village434749.2859540.184168 Map 
Pont-Péan village370548.013107-1.702310 Map 
Pont-Saint-Esprit village1043744.2538604.645663 Map 
Pont-Saint-Martin village568447.123135-1.583989 Map 
Pont-Sainte-Marie village478648.3173604.101424 Map 
Pont-Sainte-Maxence town1177549.3012472.604584 Map 
Pont-Scorff village321147.834778-3.400966 Map 
Pont-sur-Sambre village258650.2314493.850022 Map 
Pont-sur-Yonne village320048.2852903.204581 Map 
Pontacq village282043.185627-0.114419 Map 
Pontarlier town1845646.9040346.354635 Map 
Pontault-Combault town3556148.7883992.614310 Map 
Pontcarré village201548.7973592.704534 Map 
Pontcharra village716245.4327556.020423 Map 
Pontcharra-sur-Turdine village248345.8748324.489784 Map 
Pontchâteau village968347.437336-2.088023 Map 
Pontivy town1369348.064285-2.959434 Map 
Pontoise town2954849.0508842.100807 Map 
Pontonx-sur-l'Adour village251643.787800-0.925162 Map 
Pontorson village411448.554668-1.509778 Map 
Pontpoint village313649.3022992.653960 Map 
Porcelette village257049.1574526.655157 Map 
Porcheville village283248.9717031.776663 Map 
Pordic village595648.572269-2.814048 Map 

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