Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with O

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Ostricourt village522550.4558983.032800 Map 
Ostwald town1131048.5425117.710219 Map 
Othis village647149.0779952.670556 Map 
Ottange village269649.4425016.018255 Map 
Oudon village335547.346687-1.286161 Map 
Ouistreham town935249.277355-0.257926 Map 
Oullins town2515245.7156984.802710 Map 
Ouroux-sur-Saône village298746.7215584.953654 Map 
Outreau town1465050.7036931.584568 Map 
Ouveillan village234643.2887732.971982 Map 
Ouzouer-sur-Loire village276547.7663122.478894 Map 
Oye-Plage village542750.9809002.041980 Map 
Oyonnax town2265046.2576265.655095 Map 
Ozoir-la-Ferrière town2026848.7638022.676000 Map 

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