Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with M

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Marmagne village204147.1017072.284089 Map 
Marmande town1840044.5007930.164274 Map 
Marmoutier village282248.6909227.382286 Map 
Marnaz village516946.0589946.526487 Map 
Marolles-en-Brie village496848.7391012.554240 Map 
Marolles-en-Hurepoix village481248.5640032.299556 Map 
Marolles-les-Braults village215548.2522160.313522 Map 
Maromme town1136349.4767381.030821 Map 
Marpent village266950.2930264.080962 Map 
Marquise village517450.8125801.699554 Map 
Marsac-sur-l'Isle village295645.1858330.661944 Map 
Marsannay-la-Côte village510847.2692154.991633 Map 
Marseillan village788343.3567773.528052 Map 
Marseille city85072643.2961735.369953 Map 
Marsillargues village608843.6658634.179523 Map 
Marsilly village261946.231388-1.136667 Map 
Marssac-sur-Tarn village293043.9176832.029347 Map 
Martignas-sur-Jalle village722744.840534-0.776149 Map 
Martigné-Ferchaud village266347.831131-1.318622 Map 
Martigues town4754443.4057275.054818 Map 
Martillac village248744.714169-0.542230 Map 
Martres-Tolosane village223143.1979561.010283 Map 
Marvejols village505344.5532613.290113 Map 
Marzan village200447.541779-2.324149 Map 
Marzy village357646.9804503.093169 Map 

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