Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with M

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Montfort-le-Gesnois villagePays de la Loire308348.0490800.403157 Map 
Montfort-sur-Meu village645848.137280-1.955145 Map 
Montfrin village311743.8765184.591180 Map 
Montgermont village308548.155479-1.716308 Map 
Montgeron town2288048.7038882.460511 Map 
Montgiscard village206843.4580351.574453 Map 
Monthermé village245949.8843044.739175 Map 
Montier-en-Der village208848.4793664.769469 Map 
Montignac village278345.0638691.165228 Map 
Montigny-en-Gohelle town1004750.4268992.929880 Map 
Montigny-en-Ostrevent village487250.3678283.183983 Map 
Montigny-le-Bretonneux town3333748.7759212.024942 Map 
Montigny-lès-Cormeilles town1904148.9948012.196120 Map 
Montigny-lès-Metz town2254049.0999836.153041 Map 
Montigny-sur-Loing village279148.3405042.757804 Map 
Montivilliers town1661149.5452920.191867 Map 
Montjean-sur-Loire village293947.387699-0.861169 Map 
Montlhéry village684048.6406022.269244 Map 
Montlignon village256149.0089682.286267 Map 
Montlouis-sur-Loire village1048747.3882560.827111 Map 
Montluçon town3840246.3399282.606723 Map 
Montluel village699945.8498045.056825 Map 
Montmagny town1425048.9728582.343561 Map 
Montmédy village235949.5194215.367250 Map 
Montmélian village403945.5014886.053663 Map 

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