Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with M

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Mont-Saint-Aignan town1934149.4678991.081300 Map 
Mont-Saint-Martin village811749.5446015.780800 Map 
Montady village395943.3349083.125424 Map 
Montagnac village359343.4810683.483691 Map 
Montagny village253945.6278694.748436 Map 
Montaigu village505046.976212-1.312231 Map 
Montalieu-Vercieu village318945.8149305.403814 Map 
Montamisé village321746.6208420.421787 Map 
Montanay village278145.8781174.860210 Map 
Montardon village232343.368275-0.350268 Map 
Montargis city1464947.9990042.736412 Map 
Montarnaud village252443.6495023.698440 Map 
Montastruc-la-Conseillère village314943.7170371.591173 Map 
Montataire town1240049.2561302.434257 Map 
Montauban town5627144.0175861.354999 Map 
Montauban-de-Bretagne village473948.199883-2.046232 Map 
Montauroux village580143.6179436.765164 Map 
Montayral village287644.4802250.987554 Map 
Montbard village551347.6269614.334798 Map 
Montbazin village296843.5158463.694299 Map 
Montbazon village390447.2871820.714450 Map 
Montbéliard town2587547.5102396.797756 Map 
Montberon village276843.7160221.479758 Map 
Montbert village297647.056736-1.487766 Map 
Montbeton village344244.0119441.285833 Map 

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