Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with L

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Loos-en-Gohelle village677850.4576992.792408 Map 
Loperhet village360248.375484-4.306563 Map 
Lorette village449845.5089994.580240 Map 
Lorgues village897643.4930006.360033 Map 
Lorient town5720447.750401-3.379580 Map 
Loriol-du-Comtat village239044.0753975.002973 Map 
Loriol-sur-Drôme village582144.7518424.822279 Map 
Lormont town1979944.879169-0.521668 Map 
Lorris village296647.8895382.515750 Map 
Louannec village301748.793007-3.409864 Map 
Louargat village230148.566525-3.340392 Map 
Loudéac village975948.176899-2.751378 Map 
Loudun town698947.0102270.081826 Map 
Loué village215147.996536-0.151198 Map 
Louhans village652046.6291435.223217 Map 
Loupian village209243.4494213.614760 Map 
Lourches village390850.3097003.359750 Map 
Lourdes town1474343.094090-0.046498 Map 
Loury village251948.0020072.084280 Map 
Louveciennes village724548.8592032.111729 Map 
Louverné village394648.121433-0.717400 Map 
Louviers town1773449.2157251.164634 Map 
Louvigné-du-Désert village375848.481518-1.123143 Map 
Louvigny village270149.156536-0.393731 Map 
Louvres village933949.0432012.506940 Map 

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