Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with L

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Linars village206045.6570850.084242 Map 
Linas village651948.6306302.270190 Map 
Lingolsheim town1644148.5580447.683635 Map 
Linselles village825750.7338983.074980 Map 
Lion-sur-Mer village263949.301941-0.317500 Map 
Lipsheim village250048.4910477.666135 Map 
Liré village242747.342567-1.165789 Map 
Lisieux town2164049.1460840.225517 Map 
Lisle-sur-Tarn village427743.8529891.810298 Map 
Lisses village717348.5960012.423789 Map 
Lissieu village306545.8652194.742215 Map 
Listrac-Médoc village240445.073677-0.790577 Map 
Livarot village226949.0053180.151969 Map 
Liverdun village600348.7494966.063003 Map 
Livron-sur-Drôme village897244.7726524.845507 Map 
Livry-Gargan town4180848.9173362.529885 Map 
Lizy-sur-Ourcq village363349.0271033.022144 Map 
Loches town647847.1280710.997496 Map 
Locmaria-Plouzané village480748.374702-4.644405 Map 
Locminé village426847.880699-2.837120 Map 
Locmiquélic village416047.724068-3.342483 Map 
Locoal-Mendon village314947.711723-3.105096 Map 
Locon village231750.5704992.666170 Map 
Loctudy village413647.831646-4.175039 Map 
Lodève town751243.7310603.318920 Map 

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