Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with L

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Lecelles village265350.4714853.395199 Map 
Lectoure village378543.9352800.621944 Map 
Leers village928650.6808013.239020 Map 
Leffrinckoucke village448251.0481002.456500 Map 
Leforest village720050.4388013.058800 Map 
Legé village429046.886227-1.597428 Map 
Lège-Cap-Ferret villageAquitaine771444.746399-1.192110 Map 
Léguevin village847543.5991521.234412 Map 
Léhon village306448.442326-2.038954 Map 
Lempdes village835445.7727013.194780 Map 
Lencloître village247746.8138920.327101 Map 
Lens town3503250.4291732.831980 Map 
Lentilly village535545.8179174.663355 Map 
Léognan village930944.729446-0.599727 Map 
Léry village208249.2858311.202877 Map 
Les Abrets village345545.5390405.587946 Map 
Les Adrets-de-l'Estérel village262943.5256236.814640 Map 
Les Andelys village820549.2469181.421553 Map 
Les Angles village824043.9525834.766294 Map 
Les Arcs village651543.4629106.478627 Map 
Les Avenières village543045.6359295.562545 Map 
Les Brouzils village259546.887779-1.320556 Map 
Les Clayes-sous-Bois town1755348.8199651.993418 Map 
Les Clouzeaux village252946.630833-1.507500 Map 
Les Épesses village264446.883499-0.899700 Map 

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