Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with L

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Lamorlaye village930049.1598012.424380 Map 
Lamotte-Beuvron village473647.6052022.026860 Map 
Lampaul-Guimiliau village202448.493702-4.041864 Map 
Lampaul-Plouarzel village205448.447262-4.760340 Map 
Lampertheim village294948.6519787.698666 Map 
Lançon-Provence village832643.5913055.125863 Map 
Landas village237750.4772533.289585 Map 
Landéda village361248.587181-4.572232 Map 
Landerneau town1527248.451481-4.255790 Map 
Landeronde village217246.658836-1.571986 Map 
Landévant village325747.763618-3.119420 Map 
Landivisiau town916748.513023-4.068975 Map 
Landrecies village358150.1250153.691302 Map 
Lanester town2210047.763973-3.344449 Map 
Laneuveville-devant-Nancy village601248.6469006.242110 Map 
Langeac village397845.1001243.494180 Map 
Langeais village401147.3239330.407296 Map 
Langlade village208343.8042984.250622 Map 
Langogne village301444.7266733.854945 Map 
Langoiran village223044.707451-0.400762 Map 
Langon town739144.552841-0.245652 Map 
Langres town808247.8655625.331416 Map 
Langueux village717848.499100-2.709590 Map 
Languidic village731847.833984-3.154816 Map 
Lanmeur village217148.644283-3.719061 Map 

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