Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with C

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Charolles village279446.4353104.274316 Map 
Charquemont village246747.2141806.823702 Map 
Charron village233746.295277-1.105000 Map 
Chartres city3927348.4470021.486639 Map 
Chartres-de-Bretagne village726048.043240-1.708237 Map 
Chartrettes village255648.4947012.713682 Map 
Charvieu-Chavagneux village772245.7433595.160104 Map 
Chasse-sur-Rhône village526745.5789454.811450 Map 
Chasselay village267245.8742984.771140 Map 
Chasseneuil-du-Poitou village449246.6505620.374839 Map 
Chasseneuil-sur-Bonnieure village298645.8239630.448724 Map 
Chassieu village967545.7422754.968180 Map 
Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban village526644.0936896.008005 Map 
Château-Chinon (Ville) village212947.0645983.932658 Map 
Château-d'Olonne town1335346.505001-1.736111 Map 
Château-du-Loir village473247.6951410.417941 Map 
Château-Gontier town1158547.826286-0.706674 Map 
Château-l'Évêque village208645.2452960.686176 Map 
Château-Landon village311248.1501582.700678 Map 
Château-Renard village230047.9316332.926912 Map 
Château-Renault village518147.5901150.907802 Map 
Château-Salins village242248.8230786.511312 Map 
Château-Thébaud village286247.124630-1.421369 Map 
Château-Thierry town1462249.0400013.400000 Map 
Châteaubernard village382945.673809-0.315188 Map 

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