Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with C

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Caudry town1439350.1212923.411949 Map 
Cauffry village242149.3168952.449044 Map 
Caulnes village238548.288078-2.154392 Map 
Caumont-sur-Durance village463543.8939134.945723 Map 
Caussade village662344.1608121.536537 Map 
Caux village250943.5096023.363550 Map 
Cavaillon town2495143.8322755.039316 Map 
Cavalaire-sur-Mer village688443.1722956.531917 Map 
Caveirac village386743.8253674.262726 Map 
Cayeux-sur-Mer village273650.1791991.493384 Map 
Cazères village466743.2055241.086799 Map 
Cébazat village760045.8329663.099939 Map 
Celles-sur-Belle village375346.262047-0.210326 Map 
Cellettes village234547.5277401.385220 Map 
Cepoy village234748.0497062.742903 Map 
Cérans-Foulletourte village324247.8259320.073583 Map 
Céret town762942.4858062.748807 Map 
Cergy town5698849.0527532.038874 Map 
Cerizay village466046.821129-0.668301 Map 
Cernay town1126847.8071987.176754 Map 
Cerny village329448.4781722.326632 Map 
Cers village219143.3232843.305709 Map 
Cessenon-sur-Orb village206643.4493873.046716 Map 
Cessieu village265245.5671015.382380 Map 
Cesson village857248.5624392.602114 Map 

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