Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with C

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Coquelles village229150.9280201.814476 Map 
Corbas village1021045.6662674.901521 Map 
Corbehem village222150.3354993.048750 Map 
Corbeil-Essonnes town4308648.6137702.480342 Map 
Corbelin village212445.6082005.542850 Map 
Corbie village638849.9082912.511073 Map 
Corcoué-sur-Logne village255346.965977-1.577267 Map 
Cordemais village298347.290932-1.876276 Map 
Corenc village385145.2196815.761784 Map 
Cormeilles-en-Parisis town2303848.9718282.202008 Map 
Cormontreuil village608249.2234464.053412 Map 
Cornas village225344.9635204.847545 Map 
Corné village286647.471058-0.351456 Map 
Cornebarrieu village572443.6479991.322583 Map 
Cornimont village354647.9639286.839760 Map 
Corny-sur-Moselle village222449.0350996.059600 Map 
Corps-Nuds village294147.977509-1.587410 Map 
Corquilleroy village262148.0443732.698999 Map 
Corsept village274247.277985-2.060388 Map 
Corseul village202948.481201-2.171710 Map 
Corte town691542.3060919.150402 Map 
Cosnac village290245.1310011.587630 Map 
Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire town1065347.4115602.927394 Map 
Cosne-d'Allier village221346.4741782.833047 Map 
Cosnes-et-Romain village262149.5250025.710313 Map 

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