Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with C

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Chauvé village251547.151432-1.986071 Map 
Chauvigny village670046.5695040.643946 Map 
Chavagne village372548.053909-1.788175 Map 
Chavagnes-en-Paillers village333546.893333-1.251389 Map 
Chavanay village285345.4140784.729722 Map 
Chavanod village226345.8902516.039568 Map 
Chavanoz village428845.7677655.178827 Map 
Chaville town1866848.8086932.188349 Map 
Chazay-d'Azergues village391145.8759004.711160 Map 
Chazelles-sur-Lyon village511045.6375394.388964 Map 
Chécy village820847.9019012.021350 Map 
Chef-Boutonne village212646.108887-0.068391 Map 
Chelles town5277948.8797422.594213 Map 
Chéméré village225947.122433-1.914285 Map 
Chemillé village702847.214642-0.732659 Map 
Chennevières-sur-Marne town1790048.7960012.542662 Map 
Chenôve town1404547.2932015.003080 Map 
Cheny village246947.9510083.532030 Map 
Cherbourg town3843349.636955-1.625134 Map 
Cherbourg-Octeville town3843349.629242-1.638450 Map 
Chéreng village301450.6105003.209800 Map 
Cherves-Richemont village239945.744335-0.357566 Map 
Chessy village429848.8809782.767047 Map 
Cheval-Blanc village413843.8008235.063560 Map 
Chevannes village231447.7518083.492187 Map 

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