Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with B

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Bezons town2798748.9250032.210549 Map 
Bezouce village212643.8811004.487310 Map 
Biache-Saint-Vaast village390750.3099142.947944 Map 
Biarritz town2530643.481590-1.556108 Map 
Bias village318644.4119000.668539 Map 
Bidart village620643.439171-1.589891 Map 
Biel-Benken village325547.5067717.520962 Map 
Biesheim village244748.0408527.544861 Map 
Biéville-Beuville village254249.236687-0.326216 Map 
Bièvres village464348.7547682.217015 Map 
Biganos villageAquitaine967244.644093-0.969627 Map 
Bignan village272947.879936-2.771842 Map 
Biguglia village705842.6269919.420822 Map 
Bihorel village841549.4543421.115976 Map 
Billère town1324143.303005-0.390556 Map 
Billom village460045.7220503.339058 Map 
Billy-Berclau village438750.5189172.867488 Map 
Billy-Montigny village810450.4143792.911845 Map 
Binic village369348.600788-2.824875 Map 
Biot village944943.6280337.096645 Map 
Biscarrosse village1219744.410099-1.175420 Map 
Bischheim town1777048.6122027.755201 Map 
Bischoffsheim village327248.4877787.490279 Map 
Bischwiller town1270348.7663317.861206 Map 
Bitche town531949.0508737.425458 Map 

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