Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with B

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Belleu village396949.3591653.335556 Map 
Belleville town791646.1089364.748655 Map 
Belleville-sur-Meuse village320049.1814045.370347 Map 
Belleville-sur-Vie village385946.784168-1.430000 Map 
Belley town875545.7607575.686147 Map 
Bellignat village353746.2418825.629347 Map 
Belz village349747.675968-3.168723 Map 
Bénesse-Maremne village229743.633423-1.361178 Map 
Benet village369646.368332-0.596111 Map 
Benfeld village566248.3707287.595237 Map 
Bénodet village335547.874638-4.110983 Map 
Bérat village274743.3793831.175930 Map 
Berck town1536750.4054531.571068 Map 
Berg (Pfalz) village216948.9840858.201848 Map 
Bergerac town2771644.8534580.487531 Map 
Bergues town388650.9685902.434282 Map 
Berlaimont village319350.2026413.812313 Map 
Bernay town1044949.0902290.598916 Map 
Bernes-sur-Oise village238149.1620182.298565 Map 
Bernières-sur-Mer village233149.333057-0.420556 Map 
Bernin village299145.2656025.863943 Map 
Bernis village317843.7656024.286074 Map 
Berre-l'Étang town1358243.4740685.168140 Map 
Bersée village226250.4822813.147196 Map 
Berstett village232348.6800927.658642 Map 

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