Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with B

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Bouxwiller village396848.8257187.479551 Map 
Bouzonville village411749.2924586.535127 Map 
Boves village300049.8479352.394742 Map 
Bozel village202745.4427996.649010 Map 
Bozouls village275944.4695932.720928 Map 
Brain-sur-Allonnes village201747.3038220.065407 Map 
Brain-sur-l'Authion village329147.445648-0.411447 Map 
Braine village210049.3411373.532037 Map 
Brains village258447.168659-1.725903 Map 
Bram village331543.2436222.114961 Map 
Branges village239346.6450275.177832 Map 
Brantôme village215245.3625410.649408 Map 
Bras village244943.4720275.953500 Map 
Brassac-les-Mines village329045.4130903.329483 Map 
Brax village253143.6168211.240437 Map 
Bray-Dunes village466651.0710032.524513 Map 
Bray-sur-Seine village239748.4166983.244190 Map 
Brazey-en-Plaine village250547.1299365.222251 Map 
Bréal-sous-Montfort village505548.051357-1.867686 Map 
Brebières village490250.3380013.023670 Map 
Brécey village217748.724339-1.166256 Map 
Brech village648747.721584-2.996919 Map 
Bréhal village304548.898167-1.511873 Map 
Bréhan village233648.061131-2.686670 Map 
Breil-sur-Roya village231343.9366197.514790 Map 

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