Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with B

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Bouguenais town1819447.179302-1.623369 Map 
Bouillargues village613443.8002284.428427 Map 
Bouin village220646.974445-2.000556 Map 
Boujan-sur-Libron village312143.3721163.248373 Map 
Boulange village229049.3814165.954497 Map 
Boulay-Moselle village504349.1842236.493512 Map 
Boulazac village660645.1801800.769133 Map 
Bouliac village310644.814011-0.503663 Map 
Boulieu-lès-Annonay village212245.2705654.667293 Map 
Bouligny village271749.2925385.735890 Map 
Bouloc village413443.7809521.405121 Map 
Boulogne-Billancourt town11420548.8356672.240206 Map 
Boulogne-sur-Mer town4307050.7259981.611877 Map 
Bouloire village204247.9725000.552430 Map 
Bourbon-l'Archambault village257146.5857663.058040 Map 
Bourbon-Lancy village526046.6193923.773767 Map 
Bourbonne-les-Bains village223047.9538275.751234 Map 
Bourbourg village691150.9440042.198461 Map 
Bourbriac village235148.473598-3.187495 Map 
Bourcefranc-le-Chapus village338145.849339-1.142449 Map 
Bourg village220045.039471-0.559611 Map 
Bourg-Achard village301149.3525510.814950 Map 
Bourg-Argental village301145.2973294.561618 Map 
Bourg-Blanc village340248.499149-4.506045 Map 
Bourg-de-Péage town1014745.0354395.052002 Map 

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