Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with B

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Bonneval village440048.1821171.386106 Map 
Bonneville town1190846.0776186.408106 Map 
Bonnières-sur-Seine village434449.0194021.570600 Map 
Bonny-sur-Loire village204947.5606122.839782 Map 
Bono village217647.640289-2.947793 Map 
Bons-en-Chablais village480546.2649196.370282 Map 
Bonsecours village656749.4222301.123965 Map 
Bonson village359345.5218014.224190 Map 
Boos village324849.3877411.200798 Map 
Boran-sur-Oise village210049.1673392.358647 Map 
Bordeaux city23915744.841225-0.580036 Map 
Bordères-sur-l'Échez village424343.2583850.050062 Map 
Bordes village248543.234543-0.281716 Map 
Bormes-les-Mimosas village740643.1506966.341928 Map 
Bornel village358849.1995772.208612 Map 
Bort-les-Orgues village420045.4010312.499293 Map 
Bosmie-l'Aiguille village233545.7647021.202750 Map 
Bouafle village213248.9644931.900178 Map 
Bouaye village595847.142815-1.691781 Map 
Bouc-Bel-Air town1367943.4511835.412785 Map 
Boucau village776243.523960-1.486733 Map 
Bouchain village405350.2839013.315723 Map 
Bouchemaine village617547.423466-0.608536 Map 
Bouffémont village594049.0438582.307081 Map 
Bougival village844748.8642962.137770 Map 

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